Thursday, February 26, 2009

Giving it back the Lord

God has placed us in the body of Christ for many reasons. One of the reasons is so that we can encourage each other. Encouragement and prophecy are definitely something the Lord created to build up and push forward His people. However, when the encouragement comes we have to give it back to the Lord. Why? If we keep it for ourselves we can get puffed up and begin to rely on the praise of man. For example when someone says to you, "Great job with that thing that you did! It was such a success, etc, etc." We don't want to walk in a false humility and say something like, "All glory to God…it was nothing but Him." We can just receive the encouragement and say thank you. It is critical that when successes come that we consciously choose to give the credit back to the Lord. In the secret place we came come to Him and say, "Lord, thank you for your hand of provision and your favor in this. Now I give all the glory and honor back to you!"

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